Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Mismatched Runner

My running clothes don't match. The colors do for the most part, but not the brands. For example at Saturday's AREC run, I was wearing Brooks shoes with a blue trim, plain white socks, blue Champion shorts, and blue New Balance long sleeved shirt (exhibit #1: two posts below). Why the mismatched brands? Because I buy my running gear when they are on sale or closeout. I don't wear the latest, newest, most technical clothes in the market because when Nike, Adidas, New Balance, Brooks, etc. come out with something new, they cost too much and not within my means and budget. So what I do is wait a year or two for those types of fabrics to hit the Targets and Walmarts where the store brands are sold at about one third the cost of the major brand names. I call it my trickle down theory of technical wear. Or just wait for the major brands to go on closeout in some stores.

I'm pretty sure nobody scrutinizes the clothes I'm wearing when I'm out running so it doesn't matter if the brands are mismatched, as long as the colors do. And I didn't have to pay exorbitant prices for them. So please excuse me for being thrifty but I got that trait from my parents.

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