Saturday, July 4, 2009

Michael Jackson

What can I say about Michael Jackson? I want to remember him as the extraordinary artist rather than the alleged child molester. His passing has not exactly hit me yet despite the non-stop news about him in the past two weeks. If what they say is true, then he should have known better than abuse those heavy duty painkillers because they are CNS (central nervous system) depressants which can cause respiratory failure. The closest tribute I have given him was to sing “Ben” at a family party last weekend during karaoke time, and only because I forgot about “I’ll Be There” which I would have chosen instead. I only have one album of Michael and that is the “History” double CD from 1995. It didn’t seem that long ago somehow. I remember borrowing the “Thriller” LP from a co-worker in 1981 which I didn’t return until she begged for it back. I may have copied that record to a cassette tape which I’m sure I don’t have anymore. Do they even still make cassette tape players? I ripped the “History” CD to MP3 files today and copied the files from my computer to the MP3 player and I may listen to them on my next run. Maybe then will I feel the impact of Michael Jackson’s death and the music he left behind. Farewell Michael. May the road come up to meet you wherever it is you may moonwalk in your next life and I hope you find your other glove there too.

1 comment:

Nancy Deprez said...

I also like the song, I'll be there, and I would choose to sing it also at Karoke if I did Karoke! :)
