On Monday afternoon, after waking up from my daytime sleep due to working nights over the weekend, I did a rowing workout on my imitation Concept II rowing machine. I don’t use that machine very often anymore and I was even considering giving it to my co-worker. I’m glad I didn’t because it gives me a good workout which doesn’t involve using my ankles, just the back, arms and thighs. I was able to do 40 minutes of rowing which is the longest amount of time I’ve ever done. To help pass the time, I watched a documentary called “Food, Inc.” By the time I finished rowing, I was almost halfway through the movie. The pace of my rowing was pretty steady except for the last 10 minutes when I did a few short pickups. That, and the length of time I rowed probably contributed to what I discovered the next day. There was a blister on my left ring finger. When I ran Tuesday morning, my legs felt a little heavy because they weren’t used to the unfamiliar stress I subjected them to the previous day. In the past, when I used the machine, it was as an adjunct to a short and easy run, back when I still ran every day. Or I used it as part of a cardio circuit training workout where I do a three or four repeats of five minutes each on the recumbent stationary bike, upright stationary bike, stairmaster, and rowing machine. That way, it breaks the monotony of doing just one type of exercise. It also helps if I’m watching a good action movie for distraction. On some past rowing workouts, I would do one minute pickups with one minute recoveries, somewhat like interval training. That way, the pulse rate increases during the pickups when I row a little bit faster. I was only aiming for 30 minutes of rowing on Monday but ended up with 40, so it was a good enough workout on a recovery day after having worked two 12 hour shifts over the weekend. The thing I like about rowing is that it’s a total body workout involving the lower and upper body. What I don’t like about it is that I can’t read while rowing.
Noel, I have never tried rowing so that was an interesting description. Not being able to read would be difficult but I guess you could plug into your mp3 player or telephone someone--I have seen people at the club doing this while working out!
Comments from Facebook:
Soraya: merrily 4x life is like a dream......sometimes, we ignore some old piece, but later, knows the value of it when we try to remember them and say hello again.
Tisa: read your blog... rowing sounds interesting like a sit up minus the hand movement.. but your frustration on not being able to read ha ha ha to that!watching movie would be lik reading too. Try watching one with the written dialogue he he he you cant have it all Fren! be happy the extra 10 minutes was a plus already!
Tisa: going back to Rod G his Dad was Jolo Mun Judge, my Dad was Luuk. Tell him he only had the threats, while we were regularly ambushed Nobody knew that, Dad didnt want to flaunt .... each time we went to Gimba sometimes the Mundo will have fun with Dad. You know how he was known to love heavy drinks... the Mundo would even taunt DAd ... Judge yari in TAnduay. I still have to think of writing a script for the movie about it...
Me: @Soraya, I'm really glad that I didn't get rid of the machine because it adds to my exercise arsenal.
@Tisa, rowing is actually the opposite movement from sit-ups because you are pulling backwards with the back and leg muscles instead of pulling forward with the stomach muscles. I do have some movies with subtitles so I can read whats going on. Oh I remember, Luuk was notorious for mundo wasn't it? I'm glad your dad survived both the ambushes and the rum. Tanduay Rum, de kalidad, walang sabit!
Jasmine: thanks for the info about the rowing machine, Noel, and what it does to the stomach muscles ... i do find rowing less strenuous than the threadmill (before when i exercised)... Tisa, do the movie already and Raya may provide the 'music'. It would be a great movie starring all of us friends ha ha (I just can imagine)... i agree the judges were always in danger ... my dad had 24/7 security guards assigned to him because he liked to give the death penalty!! I assumed Uncle Rene also liked to send those goons to the electric chair.
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