I’m pondering this after receiving an email from my Mom which said that she was having pain in her lumbar spine and knee and she had trouble walking. After seeing an orthopedic surgeon last month and undergoing X-rays, she learned that she is developing osteoporosis and was prescribed calcium and Fosamax. She had already miraculously survived a bout with colon cancer three years ago and we are eternally grateful for that. How can I and my brother help her when she starts to have problems taking of herself? I live in another country and it’s no longer practical for her to go through the process of moving here. My brother lives in another city with his family, mother in law, and grandmother in law, so my Mom probably won’t have a place there either. I haven’t asked my brother’s opinion yet but it might be time to discuss what options we have in the face of inevitability. My father is deceased so my Mom has been living alone for at least 10 years now. She lives in a small apartment and is pretty independent. There are no assisted living facilities that I’m aware of in the city where she lives, but then again I haven’t been there in a long time so there may be similar facilities that may be able to assist her with her needs when the time comes. If those facilities exist, how much does it cost to live there including nursing and medical care? Will it be more practical to hire a live-in helper if it’s available? With so many things to consider, it may now be time to discuss such possibilities with my Mom and brother. It saddens me.
Comments from Facebook:
Tisa T Rodriguez- Hi Noel, family is our basic support group. In our case my nieces were sent to a caregiver school by my sister & now they are employed by her to take care of my mom, alternately, my other nieces are also working for me. There are no nursing homes in Zamboanga nOEL BETTER get relatives or friends willing to do caregiver work for your mom at home. Jajah does that for her Mom.
Fides Delgado- OMG I hope your mom is ok especially with elderly having back problems its hard I think get someone to care for her like a trusted person at home who really knows how and very caring enough. Family member is a good choice or a close friend.
I wish that Philippines have a good health reform like care home ore even nursing home but you know how our family values are.
Me- Thanks for the suggestions Tisa and Fides. Those are certainly very serious things to consider. I knew I can count on you guys :)
Tisa T Rodriguez- Cool ka lang Noel, you know Lina went crazy the last time Mom got sick worrying... don't shoulder everything by yourself. consult the family what's best and Goodluck on that
More Facebook friends comments:
Tisa T Rodriguez - PhP8-10K free board however caregiver should have 2 days in a mongth replacement & it's normally PhP 800/day for the alternate.
Jasmine Amin-Jaya - Tisa is right, Noel. My aunt in Zamboanga had two nurses (alternating) at home after a stroke that left her paralyzed. My Mom had made us promised that we get a nurse for her if the time comes ... she saw how the quality of life was improved when there were caregivers around my aunt.
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