Sunday, June 20, 2010

Random Thoughts For June

And now, another episode of random thoughts for those uncategorized topics that come up once in awhile.
As a little boy, I remember getting woken up early Sunday mornings to get ready for mass and having to drink a glass of Ovaltine or Milo at least an hour before communion to satisfy the one hour fasting requirement. Breakfast came only after getting home from mass. I’m wondering now if that was actually a Catholic church regulation.
Eating a plain ham and cheese sandwich nowadays reminds me of the snacks they used to serve on the Philippine Airlines DC-3 flights from Jolo to Zamboanga. What did they serve my Muslim townmates, I wonder? I don’t remember the airline serving peanuts...
In elementary school, I remember the boys having to wear shorts as part of the uniform. We couldn’t wait to get to high school so we could wear grown up long pants. I don’t know how we survived wearing khakis from kindergarten through high school in the tropical heat of the Philippines.
Psych patients are like needy babies sometimes. All they care about is instant gratification. All a baby does is eat, sleep, and poop, or in some Philippine dialects “papa, meme, oo”. In the case of patients, in addition to eat, sleep, and poop, all they like to do is take the most medications and smoke the most cigarettes they can possibly have. Like babies, they also throw tantrums when they don’t get what they want right away.
There used to be 2 or 3 wireless networks within range of my home 2 years ago, some of which were not secure. Today there are 11 and all secure. People have finally learned about keeping their networks safe.
I went to Target last week to buy a one terabyte hard drive for $69, which was the cheapest I’ve seen for that size. What surprised me at the store was not finding that there was any left for that price, but rather seeing for the first time Target’s waterless urinals. There was no water used for flushing and a sensor simply emptied your pee by use of gravity (I think).
My computer crashed while I was trying to do too many things at once on it (watching a movie, downloading a huge file, moving files from one drive to another). When Windows Explorer restarted, there was no audio in the video files I had saved. I thought they were permanently damaged. I shut it down and rebooted, Thank God and Microsoft Windows 7 which did a self diagnosis, I didn’t lose any files and the system repaired itself.
                When I had a day off several weeks ago, I closed a Roth IRA CD that matured from a bank and transferred it to another bank down the street which offered a slightly higher rate. CD rates are so low nowadays that you can’t get a decent interest rate unless you sign up for a longer termL.  Then I went home and exercised, did my laundry, updated my computers, burned video files on DVD’s for friend, caught up with DVR’d American Idol and watched the finale of Dancing With The Stars online. Later that evening, I watched the American Idol finale and blogged about it afterwards, which I never thought I would have ever done. It was a pretty productive day off.
                One my way home from the Wrigley River Run last week, I saw two motorized wheelchairs create a traffic jam between themselves on a sidewalk. They were facing each other and there was not enough space on either side for them to pass by each other. I thought that was a little amusing.
                I wrote these random thoughts a few weeks back but never got to post it. Well, better late than never, and it’s still June after all. Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there!

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