Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Speedwork? What Speedwork?

Well, I did it again! If I remember correctly, last time I did it was around August of last year. I just don’t feel like digging into my logs to find it. I’m talking about the 3/2/1 road intervals workout. Because of the pain I suffer from my PTTD I haven’t been able to do any road or track intervals lately. I woke up feeling tired and lazy on Tuesday morning and went out for a run not knowing if I would feel better or stay flat and wasn’t even planning on doing any type of speedwork (believe me when I say that my speedwork doesn’t really have any speed, just an increase in effort). Nearing 20 minutes into the run and feeling warmed up, I thought I’d try at least a set of the 3/2/1 intervals. I’ve written about this before but I’ll refresh it here: 3 minutes of hard running followed by 1 minute recovery jog, then 2 minutes hard with 1 minute recovery, then 1 minute hard with two minutes recovery before starting the next set. After the first set, I attempted another one, then another, then another, until I ended up with 4 sets which was just enough to finish the 1 hour run I’d planned regardless of pace. During the hard efforts I kept a sort of a mantra in my head “don’t fear the pain of exertion”. Actually most of the time the pain of exertion is not a problem for me. My problem is the pain in my ankles. So anyway, 20 minutes warm up plus 4 sets of intervals made for a good day of running.

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