Monday, January 5, 2009

60 to 0 in 6 seconds (Originally written December 19, 2008)

December 19

60 to 0 in 6 seconds

The power and speed of cars are often measured by how fast they can accelerate, say: 0 t0 60 MPH in 6 seconds. My running has gone on reverse since the aggravation of my injury. I went from being able to run an average of about 8 minutes and 40 seconds per mile over a distance of 12 miles this past summer, to about 11 minutes per mile for about 4 miles. Such is the nature of a running injury such as mine. I am learning to accept that just being able to run regardless of pace is better than not being able to run at all. I am also trying to apply this acceptance in my life, the thought of being only responsible for myself and being only able to control my own behavior, and not think about how others do or not do. In other words, I'm trying to learn to let go of things that don't really matter in the long run, and also accept the things that I cannot change.

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