Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Day After

Hello folks, it seems like I survived the night without going into a coma after my bathtub fall yesterday. Thank goodness for that. Other than a mildly sore back and left knee and occasional lightheadedness plus mild headache, I seem to be ok. I was debating going to the emergency room last night but knowing how ER's operate, I would not have been seen by a doctor until 6 to 8 hours later. Concussion and other maladies don't take precedence over chest pain here in the U.S., specially when ER's are often used by the populace as after hours clinics. Hint: If you go to an emergency room and want to get attended to quickly, tell them you have chest pain, then just add the other complaints later.
I managed to do a 45 minute run this morning and only felt dizzy when my mind was thinking about dizziness. Funny how the power of suggestion works. Hope I recover well without further medical intervention.

1 comment:

Nancy Deprez said...

Glad you are okay. I hate falls!!
