Thursday, August 13, 2009

To Buy or Not To Buy

Lately I’ve been contemplating about buying a treadmill to add to my ‘home gym’. In order for it to fit in the layout of my condo, I may have to get rid of the upright stationary bike and the stairstepper, and relocate the rowing machine which I hardly use. I had a treadmill until about two years ago but the motor burned out so I had to throw it away. I’m torn between buying one or not because I’m not sure if I can justify the expense to myself. One of the pros in my reasoning is that if I can spend the money to buy computers which sometimes cost more than a treadmill, then why can’t I buy a treadmill if it will make me content? On the other hand, why should I buy a treadmill if I can always step out the door to walk or run? The debate continues in my head and I’m going to procrastinate some more. (Click on the picture to enlarge and see the descriptions)


Unknown said...

Cool machines! I don't own any but I go to the gym to use them. I can see owning a treadmill because some days you should stay inside because of weather(we're supposed to have an El Nino winter this year). Also, sometimes you want to run at night and it's not safe to go out at those hours but you have to burn off that stress energy. I'm impressed you can cram so many machines into your place.

Noel DLP said...

Hi Linda, cram is the right word for it. Good thing a couple of them are foldable. The reason why they are at an angle is so it faces the TV.
