Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away

I ran yesterday, sort of. I got out of breathe, sort of. I brought my poles with me in case I needed it for support because I didn’t know what to expect. It only lasted a total of fifty minutes or so but it was enough to satisfy my craving. I was only planning to walk with my trekking poles again for about an hour, but then I broke into a shuffle, a walk break, then a few more shuffles that were as long as five minutes each until I got back home. It resembled the Galloway method of training. It wasn’t much, but it was enough.

It’s tough running with an injury when you have to change your gait to try to minimize the pain and to protect the involved limb. You spend a lot of effort trying stay upright and balanced and not fall over, and that made me get out of breathe. It’s almost like running on just one leg because you really can’t do much with the injured leg. I even forgot to turn my stopwatch back on at one stoplight because I was concentrating on my stride so much. There is some pain on my right ankle but not the same kind of pain that I experienced last Thursday, so I take that as a good sign. It felt really good to run again even just for short periods of time. Maybe on my next attempt I’m going to get rid of the crutches.


Unknown said...

Noel, how are you feeling today?

Noel DLP said...

Linda, I'm doing well thank you. See you Saturday.

Unknown said...

(somehow this got lost so I'll write it again) hi Noel, your posts about running and being injured sound so familiar to me. I know what you mean about having to alter your gait if something hurts (like the day my hip was sore). It does take a lot out of you to think about your stride, footstrike, etc. just to compensate.

Noel DLP said...

Unfortunately compensating creates imbalances somewhere else, but what else can you do other than stop running?
