Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dizziness Diagnosis

I went to see the ear, nose, throat (ENT) specialist last Friday and after giving me the tests that cops give to DUI suspects, he didn’t find anything physically wrong with me. He said that my condition could be caused by a virus and that the dizziness can disappear anytime as mysteriously as it appeared. Nevertheless, he ordered an MRI for me to rule out any abnormalities to the inner ear that he could not see with his otoscope. I will have to wait until the insurance company authorizes the test, find out which hospital the procedure will be done, then make an appointment. When that is completed, I am to return to the doctor for more information.
 When I asked the doctor if my condition had anything to do about Mal De Debarquement syndrome, he appeared not to know anything about it, so I didn’t press the matter especially that he had an intern with him. His preliminary diagnosis was vestibular neuritis and said it wasn’t a fun thing to experience and then asked me if I was prescribed Meclizine by my primary doctor. It’s a medication for motion sickness like Bonine or Dramamine which I already tried but didn’t have any effect on my dizziness except make me sleepy. So the ENT doctor told me to stop taking it. Since what I have is supposed to be a virus, the antibiotic nasal spray given to me by my internist didn’t correct my problem because antibiotics only work for bacterial infections.
So far the dizzy spells continue but they appear to be lessening in frequency and duration. I’m not sure if that’s just my altered perception of things. I’ll just have to wait for my body’s own defenses to conquer the virus. Come on BODY, get on with it!!!

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