Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Too Tired To Care

I was so tired coming off night shift on Wednesday morning that I was in bed by 8:25 a.m. I even struggled to stay awake while driving back home even though it was only four miles away.  Usually when I’m off from work the next day, I don’t hit the sack until past 9. Forget about catching up on Facebook updates and other websites I normally visit when I get home. My pillow was more inviting. Never mind that construction workers next door were remodeling the unit. With my ear plugs, their noise bothered me nary a bit. I didn’t wake up until my alarm jolted me awake at 1 p.m. when I usually wake up before that happens. Staggering out of bed to use the bathroom and such, I also could not get started working out until way past 2 p.m., due to feeling drained and having no motivation. Some days just happen to turn out that way. Nevertheless, I managed an hour of aerobic exercise by breaking it down to 15 minutes each on the elliptical trainer, stairmaster, upright bike, and recumbent bike. It was so satisfying to break out a sweat and finish the workout despite my mental and physical tiredness. I hope I feel more refreshed tomorrow after having a good night’s sleep. It’s supposed to be a running day after all.
Now to catch up on DVR’d American Idol and Glee while doing laundry. Ah, the life of a single man…

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